Thursday, January 5, 2012

My toothfairy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello im Melika and today i will tell you somethig exiting!!!! I found a new website called: and i found out who my tooth fairy is! Her name is Stacey. Guss what? Yesterday my tooth fell out and at night i put it under my pillow Stacey gave me $10! The most exiting thing is that the next day she wrote me a email and she acctuly did take my tooth and she told me she put $10 under my pillow.But the most exiting thing about the mail was that she has a bird witch comes to our house offen and thats the toothfairy becuase in the mail she said that i have a bird witch is looking out for you and telling me how your doing!!And that made me emmbaresd!! Today i send $1 so she can put a magic letter in my pillow tonight. But the problem is that we dont know where we put our envoulops. Well im still exited!! Thank you for reading about My real toothfairy! please visit this website to find out who YOURS is. The website is: Bye!

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